Most stocking stuffers include sweets or candy. Why not try something different this year. Consider dental stocking stuffers as an option to brighten up your smile and your family’s smile too. Dental stocking stuffers are small, inexpensive, and show that you care.
Are you having a guest over this holiday season?
Say “welcome” with a personalized gift basket on your guest’s nightstand. Make sure to include fun items like cosy socks and their favourite snacks. You can also stock them up on travel-size toiletries they might have forgotten at home – include a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and some teeth-friendly sugar-free gum. They will truly be surprised and thankful for your thoughtfulness.
Going to that holiday party? Or maybe looking for a white smile for your family photo?
Whiten Your Teeth in 30 Seconds or Less. Here is how. Wear red or pink lipstick with a blue undertone. Thanks to how the eye sees these colours, your teeth will instantly look whiter and brighter. You will have a great smile for the parties and photos!
Stick to Your Routine this holiday season.
It is easier said than done. Between holiday travel, and parties, it’s easy to forget about your normal dental habits. Don’t wait until New Year’s to make your dental health a priority again. Make sure to maintain your regular dental visits and don’t forget to brush twice a day for two minutes. Also, make it a point to clean between your teeth once a day with dental floss.
Being diligent with your dental habits during the holiday can help you stay clear of dental emergencies and with ensuring that your smile is at its best for the holidays!
If you have any questions call us (305) 532-9114,